You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

69 lines
2.6 KiB

2 years ago
import { afterHooks, beforeHooks, registerRouter } from './concat';
import { fromatRoutes } from './util';
import { err, warn } from '../helpers/warn';
import { proxyEachHooks } from './proxy/proxy';
* 重写掉H5端 uni-app原始存在的bug
* @param {Object} Router
const rewriteUniFun = function (Router) {
if (Router.CONFIG.h5.rewriteFun === false) { // 不需要重写
return false;
uni.reLaunch = function ({
}) {
if (url === '/') {
warn('H5端 uni.reLaunch(\'/\')时 默认被重写了! 你可以使用 this.$Router.replaceAll() 或者 uni.reLaunch(\'/\'?xxx)');
// eslint-disable-next-line
if (history.length > 1) { // 只有在有历史记录的时候才返回 不然直接返回首页
return Router.back();
return Router.replaceAll('/');
const path = url.match(/^[^?]+|(\/)/)[0];
try {
const query = {};
url.replace(/([^?&]+)=([^?&]+)/g, (s, v, k) => {
query[v] = decodeURIComponent(k);
return `${k}=${v}`;
} catch (e) {
err(`${url}解析失败了.... 试试 this.$Router.replaceAll() 吧`);
uni.navigateBack = function (delta) {
let backLayer = delta;
if (delta.constructor === Object) { // 这种可能就只是uni-app自带的返回按钮,还有种可能就是开发者另类传递的
backLayer = 1;
Router.back(backLayer, delta);
* 拦截并注册vueRouter中的生命钩子路由表解析
* @param {Object} Router
* @param {vueRouter} vueRouter
const init = function (Router, vueRouter) {
const CONFIG = Router.CONFIG.h5;
vueRouter.afterHooks = proxyEachHooks(Router, 'afterHooks', afterHooks);
vueRouter.beforeHooks = proxyEachHooks(Router, 'beforeHooks', beforeHooks);
const objVueRoutes = fromatRoutes(vueRouter.options.routes, false, {}); // 返回一个格式化好的routes 键值对的形式
const objSelfRoutes = fromatRoutes(Router.CONFIG.routes, true, CONFIG);
Router.vueRoutes = objVueRoutes; // 挂载vue-routes到当前的路由下
Router.selfRoutes = {
...Router.selfRoutes || {},
}; // 挂载self-routes到当前路由下
Router.$route = vueRouter; // 挂载vue-router到$route
rewriteUniFun(Router); // 重新掉uniapp上的一些有异常的方法
registerRouter(Router, vueRouter, CONFIG.vueRouterDev);
export default init;