You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

245 lines
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2 years ago
<uni-nav-bar left-icon="left" fixed="true" title="" @clickLeft="handleClickLeft"></uni-nav-bar>
<scroll-view :scroll-y="modalName==null" class="page" :class="modalName!=null?'show':''">
<view class="station-box">
选择电站<picker mode="selector" :range="stationData"
:value="index" @change="handlerChangeStation">
<view style="color: royalblue;">{{ stationData[index].stationName }}</view>
<view class="card-box">
<uni-section title="电站信息" type="line" padding="0 0 5px 0">
<uni-card title="" padding="10px" >
<template v-slot:title>
<uni-list-item showArrow clickable :title="station.stationName" @click="goNext" />
<!-- <image style="width: 100%;" :src="cover"></image> -->
<view class="station-info">
<view class="flex station-info-item">
<text class="left">装机容量(MW)</text>
<text>{{ station.capacity }}</text>
<view class="flex station-info-item">
<text class="left">当日功率(kW)</text>
<text>{{ station.dayPower }}</text>
<view class="flex station-info-item">
<text class="left">当日发电(kWh)</text>
<text>{{ station.dayElectricity }}</text>
<view class="flex station-info-item">
<text class="left">累计发电(kWh)</text>
<text>{{ station.totalElectricity }}</text>
<view class="flex station-info-item">
<text class="left">光照强度(W/m^2)</text>
<text>{{ station.irradiationLevel }}</text>
import { getStationList } from '@/api/modules/station.js'
import _mixin from './mixin.js'
const stationDetailInfo = {
'1052758018': [
id: '1',
stationName: '伟创力北厂1区'
}, {
id: '3',
stationName: '伟创力北厂2区'
id: '4',
stationName: '伟创力南厂区'
id: '5',
stationName: '伟创力超毅厂区'
'1052758019': [
id: '6',
stationName: '7# 厂房'
id: '7',
stationName: '8# 厂房'
id: '8',
stationName: '15#-1 厂房'
}, {
id: '9',
stationName: '15#-2 厂房'
'1052758020': [
id: '25',
stationName: '总装车间'
id: '26',
stationName: '综合车间'
'1052758021': [
id: '10',
stationName: '红塔一期电房'
id: '11',
stationName: '红塔二期电房'
'1052758022': [
id: '27',
stationName: '林殷厂区'
'1052758023': [
id: '18',
stationName: 'A栋'
id: '19',
stationName: 'C2'
id: '20',
stationName: 'C3'
id: '21',
stationName: '食堂'
'1052758025': [
id: '12',
stationName: 'A16'
}, {
id: '13',
stationName: 'D3'
}, {
id: '14',
stationName: 'A20'
}, {
id: '15',
stationName: 'A7'
'1052758026': [
id: '16',
stationName: 'A3'
id: '17',
stationName: 'C3'
'1052758027': [
id: '2',
stationName: '堂悠口园区'
'1052758028': [
id: '22',
stationName: '枫泾总厂1、2号楼'
id: '23',
stationName: '枫泾总厂5号楼'
'1052758029': [ {
id: '24',
stationName: '枫泾兴塔厂'
export default {
data() {
return {
modalName: null,
index: 0,
station: {}
mixins: [_mixin],
created() {
methods: {
getStationList() {
}).then(res => {
this.stationData = => {
return !v.stationName.includes('户用光伏电站')
}).map(v => {
v.children = stationDetailInfo[]
return v
this.station = this.stationData[this.index]
uni.setStorageSync('_pro_stations', this.stationData)
handleClickLeft() {
handlerChangeStation(e) {
this.index = e.detail.value
this.station = this.stationData[this.index]
goNext() {
name: 'stationListItem1',
query: {
<style lang="scss">
.station-box {
position: relative;
padding: 10px;
color: #333;
.card-box {
margin-top: 50px;
.station-info {
margin-top: 20px;
.station-info-item {
color: #666;
&:not(:first-child) {
// margin-top: 10px;
border-top: 1px dashed #cedefb;
vertical-align: middle;
line-height: 2.5;
.left {
width: 130px;
text-align: justify;