<view class="cencal_order">
<view class="goods_data">
<image :src="goodData.img" mode=""></image>
<view class="right">
<p class="goods_name">{{goodData.title}}</p>
<p class="goods_sku">{{goodData.goods_sku_text}}</p>
<p class="goods_price">
<text :style="{color:colors}">¥{{goodData.money}}</text>
<text style="font-size: 24upx;color: #333333;">数量 x {{goodData.number}}</text>
<!-- 退货理由 -->
<view class="other">
<view class="remark">
<textarea maxlength="-1" placeholder="请在此处输入您的退单理由" placeholder-class="textarea_p"></textarea>
<view class="tag_box">
<view v-for="(item, index) in remarkList" :key="index" class="tag_list" @tap="setCurrent(index)">
<view :style="'color:' + (item.current == true ?'#fff':'') + ';background:' + (item.current == true ? colors:'') + ';border:' + (item.current == true ? 'none':'')">
<p class="youhui" style="border-bottom: none;">
<text class="text1">上传凭证</text>
<text class="text3">(最多3张)</text>
<view class="img_box">
<view class="img_list" v-for="(item, index) in imgUrl" :key="index">
<block v-if="item.type == 1">
<image :src="item.url" mode="" @click="previewImg(item.url)" class="imgs"></image>
<image z-index="9999" src="/static/images/search/close.png" mode="" class="close" @tap="delImg(index)"></image>
<block v-if="item.type == 2">
<video :src="item.url" :poster="item.poster" :controls="false" :show-center-play-btn="false" :show-play-btn="false"
<cover-view class="covers"></cover-view>
<cover-image v-if="showVideo == false" class="imgs" src="/static/images/goods/bofang.png" mode="" @click="onshowVideo(item.url)"></cover-image>
<cover-image z-index="900" v-if="showVideo == false" src="/static/images/search/close.png" mode="" class="video_close" @tap="delImg(index)"></cover-image>
<view class="addImg" v-if="imgUrl.length < 3" @tap="onChoose">
<image src="/static/images/shexiang.png" mode=""></image>
<!-- 退货的返回方式以及收件地址 -->
<view class="address">
<view class="address_type">
<text class="type_text">返回方式</text>
<view class="type_right" @click="setReturn">
<image src="/static/images/home/dian.png" class="more" mode=""></image>
<view class="rule">
<view class="rule_left">如因个人原因退/换货,将在换新商品签收时收取8元运费</view>
<view class="rule_right">
<block v-if="tapIndex == 0">
<view class="user_address" @click="setLocation(0)" :style="{borderBottom:tapIndex== 0?'1upx solid #eee':'none'}">
<view class="u_a_top">
<text class="iconfont icon-dizhi"></text>
<text class="name">{{Pickaddress.name}}</text>
<text>{{Pickaddress.phone | formatPhone}}</text>
<view class="u_a_bottom">
地址: {{Pickaddress.address}}{{Pickaddress.moreAddres}}
<image src="/static/images/home/right.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="times" @click="openPopup">
<image class="rili" src="/static/images/home/riil.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="times_title">
<image src="/static/images/home/dian.png" class="more" mode=""></image>
<!-- 收货地址 只有在换货和维修时才显示 -->
<view class="address" v-if="type != 1">
<p class="m_a_title">收货地址<text>(该地址是商家回寄给您的地址)</text></p>
<view class="user_address" @click="setLocation(1)" style="border-bottom: none;">
<view class="u_a_top">
<text class="iconfont icon-dizhi"></text>
<text class="name">{{Toaddress.name}}</text>
<text>{{Toaddress.phone | formatPhone}}</text>
<view class="u_a_bottom">
地址: {{Toaddress.address}}{{Toaddress.moreAddres}}
<image src="/static/images/home/right.png" mode=""></image>
<!-- 联系人信息 -->
<view class="contacts">
<view class="user_cell">
<image src="/static/images/home/cat.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="user_cell">
<image src="/static/images/home/phone.png" mode=""></image>
<text>{{Toaddress.phone | formatPhone}}</text>
<p class="tips">
<view class="btns" :style="{background: colors}" @click="onsubmit">
<!-- 预览视频弹窗APP 小程序 -->
<view class="mask" v-if="showVideo == true" @touchmove.stop.prevent="ondefault" @click="hideShow">
<view class="close">
<image src="/static/images/goods/close.png"></image>
<view class="previewvideo" v-if="showVideo == true">
<view class="videos">
<video class="nowvideos" id="nowVideo" v-if="showVideo == true" :src="videos" :autoplay="showVideo"
:show-center-play-btn="true" :show-mute-btn="true" :show-fullscreen-btn="false"></video>
<!-- 用来承载H5预览视频的 -->
<view style="position: absolute;top: -999upx;left: -999upx;">
<video ref="newVideo" id="newVideo" :src="videos" :autoplay="showVideo" :show-center-play-btn="false" :show-mute-btn="true"
<set-times @onComplete="onComplete" @onClose="onClose" :shows="shows"></set-times>
var app = getApp();
import setTimes from '@/pages/commponent/order/setTime.vue'
import {
} from '@/utils/auth.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
colors: '',
type: 1,
types: '上门取件',
tapIndex: 0,
shows: false,
showVideo: false,
videos: '',
pickTime: '', //取货时间
remarkList: [{
name: '个人原因'
}, {
name: '性价比太低'
}, {
name: '态度不好'
}, {
name: '价格不合理'
}, {
name: '做工不行'
}, {
name: '物流时间长'
}, {
name: '价格优惠低'
}, {
name: '其他原因'
data: "",
imgUrl: [],
goodData: {},
Pickaddress: {
name: '反转',
phone: '17712333156',
address: '安徽省合肥市庐阳区',
moreAddres: '逍遥津',
address_id: 1
Toaddress: {
name: '反转',
phone: '17712333156',
address: '安徽省合肥市庐阳区',
moreAddres: '逍遥津',
address_id: 1
filters: {
formatPhone(value) {
var reg = /(\d{3})\d{4}(\d{4})/; //正则表达式
var phone = value.replace(reg, "$1****$2")
return phone
components: {
props: {},
created() {
this.platform = uni.getSystemInfoSync().platform //判断当前是安卓还是ios 然后进行适配
this.newVideo = uni.createVideoContext('newVideo');
* 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
onLoad: function(options) {
removePickaddress() //清空选择的取货地址
removeToaddress() //清空选择的收件地址
// ↑ 页面加载清空缓存的取货地址和收货地址
let goodData = JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync('goodData')) //获取商品信息
let type = options.type || 1
title: options.typeText
colors: app.globalData.newColor,
goodData: goodData,
type: type
* 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
onReady: function() {},
* 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
onShow: function() { //需要获取存储的取件地址和收件地址
if (getPickaddress()) {
this.Pickaddress = getPickaddress()
if (getToaddress()) {
this.Toaddress = getToaddress()
* 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏
onHide: function() {},
* 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载
onUnload: function() {},
* 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作
onPullDownRefresh: function() {},
* 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
onReachBottom: function() {},
* 用户点击右上角分享
onShareAppMessage: function() {},
methods: {
setCurrent(index) {
let remark = this.remarkList[index];
remark.current = !remark.current
let data = 'remarkList[' + index + ']';
[data]: remark
let arr = [];
this.remarkList.forEach(e => {
if (e.current == true) {
onChoose() {
title: "选择上传类型",
itemList: ['图片', '视频'],
success: (res) => {
if (res.tapIndex == 0) {
} else {
chooseImages() { //上传图片
let that = this;
count: 1, //数量限制
sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], //可选 原图 或缩略图
success: function(res) {
// 这里模拟接口向imgUrl 里添加图片 后期调用接口时参照该方法
if (that.imgUrl.length >= 3) { //最多上传3张 超出了提醒
title: '最多上传3个',
icon: 'none'
} else { //模拟上传图片
let img = {
url: '/static/images/goods/four.jpg',
type: 1
chooseVideo() { //上传视频
let that = this;
count: 1,
sourceType: ['camera', 'album'],
success: function(res) {
console.log(res) //如果需要对视频的长度和大小做判断 在此处进行获取和处理
// 下面是模拟上传视频 ↓
if (that.imgUrl.length >= 3) { //最多上传3张 超出了提醒
title: '最多上传3个',
icon: 'none'
} else { //模拟上传视频
* ***重点注意
* 视频的封面图因为需要做多端兼容 并且只允许是网络图片
* 所有建议是上传视频给后端之后,然后由后端对视频进行截取
* 建议截取视频的第5帧来生成图片,并返回给前端
* 下面的poster是模拟后台返回的封面
let video = {
url: 'https://fzdz.soft.haoyangsoft.com/uploads/system/videos/20200813/6c819d24ee6868aee33e150c4333329b.mp4',
type: 2,
poster: 'https://timgsa.baidu.com/timg?image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=1603080909940&di=ac10c5f2c952dd1b40441bb696c55a88&imgtype=0&src=http%3A%2F%2Fn.sinaimg.cn%2Fsinacn%2Fw640h640%2F20180127%2F369b-fyqzcxh1087346.jpg'
delImg(index) {
this.imgUrl.splice(index, 1);
previewImg(url){ //预览图片
let arr = []
arr[0] = url
onshowVideo(video) { //预览视频
this.videos = video
// #ifndef H5
this.showVideo = true
// #endif
// #ifdef H5
// h5 在真机上测试
if(this.platform == 'android'){ //判断是安卓还是ios来对视频做适配
this.isH5 = true
this.showVideo = true
// #endif
hideShow() { //隐藏预览视频
this.showVideo = false
ondefault() {
// 抛弃的方法
setReturn() { //设置返回方式
title: "选择返回方式",
itemList: ['上门取件', '到店邮寄'],
success: (res) => {
this.types = res.tapIndex == 0 ? '上门取件' : '到店邮寄'
this.tapIndex = res.tapIndex
openPopup() { //打开选择时间弹窗
this.shows = true
onClose() {
this.shows = false
setLocation(status) { //0 :设置取件地址 1 :设置收件地址 根据不同的status传递不同的地址
let address = status == 0 ? this.Pickaddress : this.Toaddress
url: '/pages/views/order/location/location?status=' + status + '&address=' + JSON.stringify(address)
onComplete(value) { //设置取货时间
console.log('取货时间', value)
this.pickTime = value
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