You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

134 lines
3.7 KiB

<view class="step">
<view class="step_box">
<!-- 左侧进度线 -->
<view class="step_left">
<view class="step_right">
<view class="right_content" v-for="(item,index) in stepData" :key="index">
<!-- 进度名称 -->
<block v-if="item.isNow == 0">
<p class="title" :style="{color:item.type == 1? '#202020':'#999'}">{{}}</p>
<block v-if="item.isNow == 1">
<p class="title" :style="{color:item.type == 1? colors:'#999'}">{{}}</p>
<!-- 进度时间 -->
<p class="times" v-if="item.type == 1">{{item.time}}</p>
<!-- 进度详情备注 -->
<p class="result" v-if="item.desc && item.desc !== ''"><text style="color: #202020;">{{item.desc}}</text></p>
<!-- 右侧的进度点 -->
<p class="status" :style="{background: item.isNow == 1?colors:'#ccc',borderColor: item.isNow == 1?colors:'#ccc'}"></p>
<loading v-if="isShow == true"></loading>
var app = getApp();
import loading from "../../commponent/public/loading";
export default {
isShow: true,
stepData:[ //模拟后台返回的数据
{name:'提交申请',time:'2020-05-09 20:01:49',isNow:0,type: 1,desc:'不想要了'},
{name:'等待审核',time:'2020-05-09 20:01:49',isNow:0,type: 1,desc:'您的服务单已申请成功,待售后审核中'},
{name:'审核意见',time:'2020-05-09 20:13:49',isNow:0,type: 1,desc:'您的售后单已收到会在24小时与您联系。'},
{name:'审核上门取件',time:'2020-05-09 20:13:49',isNow:0,type: 1,desc:'您的服务单已预约时间2020-05-10(周日) 15:00-20:00'},
{name:'取件成功',time:'2020-05-10 18:54:55',isNow:0,type: 1,desc:'您的商品已取件成功'},
{name:'商家售后已收到',time:'2020-05-12 09:01:49',isNow:0,type: 1,desc:'您的服务单商品已收到'},
{name:'返修换新订单生产',time:'2020-05-12 13:19:49',isNow:0,type: 1,desc:'您的服务订单已生成新的订单'},
{name:'返修换新完成',time:'2020-05-13 12:12:49',isNow:1,type: 1,desc:'您的服务单已完成,如有疑问请反馈,谢谢~'},
onLoad() {
colors: app.globalData.newColor,
setTimeout(() => {
isShow: false
}, 600);
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