You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
306 lines
6.8 KiB
306 lines
6.8 KiB
<!-- 商品评价 -->
<view class="evaluate">
<!-- 顶部tab -->
<!-- <view class="tabs">
<view v-for="(item, index) in tabList" :key="index" class="tabs_list" @tap="setTabs(item, index)"
:style="'color:' + (active == index ?colors :'') + ';font-weight:' + (active == index ?'bold' : '500')">
<view class="active" :style="'background:' + colors" v-if="active == index"></view>
</view> -->
<!-- 评价列表 -->
<view class="my_evaluate" >
<view class="evaluate_box">
<view class="pingjia">
<view v-if="commits && commits.length > 0">
<view class="pingjia_box" v-for="(row, indexs) in commits" :key="indexs">
<view class="box_top">
<image :src="row.headimg || headimg" mode="" class="head"></image>
<view class="right">
<p class="name">{{ row.username }}</p>
<p class="p2">
<text class="text1">{{ row.createTime }}</text>
<text class="text2">{{ row.goodsName }}</text>
<p class="p3">
<image src="/static/images/home/stars.png" v-for="i in +row.qualityScore" :key="i" mode="" ></image>
<image src="/static/images/home/star-no.png" v-for="(s,h) in (5-row.qualityScore)" :key="h" mode="" ></image>
<view class="tag_box" v-if="row.tags">
<view class="tags" v-for="(s,x) in row.tags" :key="x">{{s}}</view>
<view class="ping_neirong">{{ row.content }}</view>
<fileList v-model="row.fileList" :show-colse-btn="false" :show-title="false"></fileList>
<view class="huifu" v-if="row.reply && row.reply !== ''">商家回复:{{ row.reply }}</view>
<p class="onbottom">—— 到底了 ——</p>
<nodata v-if="commits.length == 0" :colors="colors"></nodata>
import { getCommits } from "@/api";
import tabs from '../../commponent/public/tabs.vue'
import { getFileList } from '@/utils/util.js'
import fileList from '@/pages/commponent/public/fileList.vue'
let app = getApp()
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
colors: '',
tabList: [{
name: '最新',
number: 10,
id: 0
}, {
name: '好评',
number: 8,
id: 1
}, {
name: '中评',
number: 8,
id: 2
}, {
name: '差评',
number: 6,
id: 3
}, {
name: '有图',
number: 5,
id: 4
active: 0,
goodsId: null,
commits: []
onReady() {},
onLoad(options) {
this.goodsId =
this.colors = app.globalData.newColor; //设置主题颜色
getCommits(goodsId) {
if (!goodsId) {
let s = [
"rule": "eq",
"type": "string",
"dictCode": "",
"val": goodsId,
"field": "goodId"
const params = {
pageSize: 5,
superQueryParams: s,
superQueryMatchType: 'and',
"column": "createTime",
order: "desc",
mask: true
params.superQueryParams = encodeURI(JSON.stringify(s))
getCommits(params).then(res => {
const list = => {
v.fileList = getFileList(v.url)
return v
this.commits = list
setTabs(item,index){ //切换状态栏 模拟数据
| = index
// this.goodsEva = index == 0 ? this.temporary : []
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width: 50upx;
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background-color: #DD4F42;
position: absolute;
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transition: all 0.3s;
padding: 20upx 4%;
height: 70upx;
margin-top: 10upx;
line-height: 70upx;
font-size: 30upx;
font-weight: bold;
color: #202020;
font-weight: normal;
float: right;
font-size: 24upx;
color: #999999;
transform: translateY(6upx);
opacity: 0.8;
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background-color: #ffffff;
overflow: hidden;
.pingjia_box {
overflow: hidden;
margin-top: 20upx;
padding-bottom: 20upx;
overflow: hidden;
border-bottom: 1upx solid #f2f2f2;
&:last-child {
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min-width: 80upx;
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border-radius: 50%;
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margin-left: 20upx;
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font-size: 24upx;
font-family: Source Han Sans CN;
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