<view class="nyz_area_mask" v-if="show == true"></view>
<view :class="'nyz_area_view ' + (show ? 'show':'hide')">
<view class="nyz_area_view_btns">
<text class="nyz_area_view_btn_cancle" @tap="handleNYZAreaCancle">取消</text>
<text class="nyz_area_view_btn_sure" @tap="handleNYZAreaSelect" :data-province="province" :data-city="city" :data-area="area">确定</text>
<picker-view class="nyz_area_pick_view" indicator-style="height: 35px;" @change="handleNYZAreaChange" :value="value">
<view v-for="(item, index) in provinces" :key="index" class="nyz_area_colum_view">{{item}}</view>
<view v-for="(item, index) in citys" :key="index" class="nyz_area_colum_view">{{item}}</view>
<view v-for="(item, index) in areas" :key="index" class="nyz_area_colum_view">{{item}}</view>
var areaTool = require("@/utils/area.js");
var index = [0, 0, 0];
var provinces = areaTool.getProvinces();
var citys = areaTool.getCitys(index[0]);
var areas = areaTool.getAreas(index[0], index[1]);
export default {
data() {
return {
provinces: provinces,
citys: areaTool.getCitys(index[0]),
areas: areaTool.getAreas(index[0], index[1]),
value: [0, 0, 0],
province: '北京市',
city: '北京市',
area: '东城区'
components: {},
props: {
show: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
maskShow: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
methods: {
handleNYZAreaChange: function (e) {
var that = this;
console.log("e:" + JSON.stringify(e));
var value = e.detail.value;
* 滚动的是省
* 省改变 市、区都不变
if (index[0] != value[0]) {
index = [value[0], 0, 0];
let selectCitys = areaTool.getCitys(index[0]);
let selectAreas = areaTool.getAreas(index[0], 0);
citys: selectCitys,
areas: selectAreas,
value: [index[0], 0, 0],
province: provinces[index[0]],
city: selectCitys[0],
area: selectAreas[0]
} else if (index[1] != value[1]) {
* 市改变了 省不变 区变
index = [value[0], value[1], 0];
let selectCitys = areaTool.getCitys(index[0]);
let selectAreas = areaTool.getAreas(index[0], value[1]);
citys: selectCitys,
areas: selectAreas,
value: [index[0], index[1], 0],
province: provinces[index[0]],
city: selectCitys[index[1]],
area: selectAreas[0]
} else if (index[2] != value[2]) {
* 区改变了
index = [value[0], value[1], value[2]];
let selectCitys = areaTool.getCitys(index[0]);
let selectAreas = areaTool.getAreas(index[0], value[1]);
citys: selectCitys,
areas: selectAreas,
value: [index[0], index[1], index[2]],
province: provinces[index[0]],
city: selectCitys[index[1]],
area: selectAreas[index[2]]
* 确定按钮的点击事件
handleNYZAreaSelect: function (e) {
var myEventDetail = e; // detail对象,提供给事件监听函数
var myEventOption = {}; // 触发事件的选项
this.$emit('sureSelectArea', {
detail: myEventDetail
}, myEventOption);
* 取消按钮的点击事件
handleNYZAreaCancle: function (e) {
var that = this;
console.log("e:" + JSON.stringify(e));
this.$emit('hideShow', {
detail: false
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