You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1897 lines
52 KiB

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'': [121.15, 31.89],
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'': [120.13, 33.38],
'': [118.87, 42.28],
'': [120.33, 36.07],
'': [121.52, 36.89],
'': [102.188043, 38.520089],
'': [118.58, 24.93],
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'': [119.46, 35.42],
'': [119.97, 35.88],
'': [121.05, 32.08],
'': [91.11, 29.97],
'': [112.02, 22.93],
'': [116.1, 24.55],
'': [122.05, 37.2],
'': [121.48, 31.22],
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'': [122.1, 37.5],
'': [117.93, 40.97],
'': [118.1, 24.46],
'': [115.375279, 22.786211],
'': [116.63, 23.68],
'': [124.37, 40.13],
'': [121.1, 31.45],
'': [103.79, 25.51],
'': [121.39, 37.52],
'': [119.3, 26.08],
'': [121.979603, 39.627114],
'': [120.45, 36.38],
'': [123.97, 41.97],
'': [102.52, 24.35],
'': [114.87, 40.82],
'': [113.57, 37.85],
'': [119.942327, 37.177017],
'': [120.1, 30.86],
'': [116.69, 23.39],
'': [120.95, 31.39],
'': [121.56, 29.86],
'': [110.359377, 21.270708],
'': [116.35, 23.55],
'': [122.41, 37.16],
'': [119.16, 34.59],
'': [120.836932, 40.711052],
'': [120.74, 31.64],
'': [113.75, 23.04],
'': [114.68, 23.73],
'': [119.15, 33.5],
'': [119.9, 32.49],
'': [108.33, 22.84],
'': [122.18, 40.65],
'': [114.4, 23.09],
'': [120.26, 31.91],
'': [120.75, 37.8],
'': [113.62, 24.84],
'': [98.289152, 39.77313],
'广': [113.23, 23.16],
'': [109.47, 36.6],
'': [112.53, 37.87],
'': [113.01, 23.7],
'': [113.38, 22.52],
'': [102.73, 25.04],
'寿': [118.73, 36.86],
'': [122.070714, 41.119997],
'': [113.08, 36.18],
'': [114.07, 22.62],
'': [113.52, 22.3],
'宿': [118.3, 33.96],
'': [108.72, 34.36],
'': [109.11, 35.09],
'': [119.97, 36.77],
'': [113.11, 23.05],
'': [110.35, 20.02],
'': [113.06, 22.61],
'': [117.53, 36.72],
'': [112.44, 23.05],
'': [121.62, 38.92],
'': [111.5, 36.08],
'': [120.63, 31.16],
'': [106.39, 39.04],
'': [123.38, 41.8],
'': [120.62, 31.32],
'': [110.88, 21.68],
'': [120.76, 30.77],
'': [125.35, 43.88],
'': [120.03336, 36.264622],
'': [106.27, 38.47],
'': [120.555821, 31.875428],
'': [111.19, 34.76],
'': [121.15, 41.13],
'': [115.89, 28.68],
'': [109.4, 24.33],
'': [109.511909, 18.252847],
'': [104.778442, 29.33903],
'': [126.57, 43.87],
'': [111.95, 21.85],
'': [105.39, 28.91],
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'': [104.56, 29.77],
'': [111.65, 40.82],
'': [104.06, 30.67],
'': [113.3, 40.12],
'': [119.44, 32.2],
'': [110.28, 25.29],
'': [110.479191, 29.117096],
'': [119.82, 31.36],
'': [109.12, 21.49],
'西': [108.95, 34.27],
'': [119.56, 31.74],
'': [118.49, 37.46],
'': [129.58, 44.6],
'': [106.9, 27.7],
'': [120.58, 30.01],
'': [119.42, 32.39],
'': [119.95, 31.79],
'': [119.1, 36.62],
'': [106.54, 29.59],
'': [121.420757, 28.656386],
'': [118.78, 32.04],
'': [118.03, 37.36],
'': [106.71, 26.57],
'': [120.29, 31.59],
'': [123.73, 41.3],
'': [84.77, 45.59],
'': [109.5, 34.52],
'': [118.48, 31.56],
'': [107.15, 34.38],
'': [113.21, 35.24],
'': [119.16, 31.95],
'': [116.46, 39.92],
'': [117.2, 34.26],
'': [115.72, 37.72],
'': [110, 40.58],
'': [104.73, 31.48],
'': [87.68, 43.77],
'': [117.57, 34.86],
'': [120.19, 30.26],
'': [118.05, 36.78],
'': [122.85, 41.12],
'': [119.48, 31.43],
'': [86.06, 41.68],
'': [114.35, 36.1],
'': [114.35, 34.79],
'': [117, 36.65],
'': [104.37, 31.13],
'': [120.65, 28.01],
'': [115.97, 29.71],
'': [114.47, 36.6],
'': [119.72, 30.23],
'': [103.73, 36.03],
'': [116.83, 38.33],
'': [118.35, 35.05],
'': [106.110698, 30.837793],
'': [117.2, 39.13],
'': [119.95, 30.07],
'': [117.13, 36.18],
'': [120.23, 29.71],
'': [113.65, 34.76],
'': [126.63, 45.75],
'': [115.97, 36.45],
'': [118.38, 31.33],
'': [118.02, 39.63],
'': [113.29, 33.75],
'': [114.48, 37.05],
'': [116.29, 37.45],
'': [116.59, 35.38],
'': [112.239741, 30.335165],
'': [111.3, 30.7],
'': [120.06, 29.32],
'': [119.92, 28.45],
'': [112.44, 34.7],
'': [119.57, 39.95],
'': [113.16, 27.83],
'': [114.48, 38.03],
'': [117.67, 36.19],
'': [111.69, 29.05],
'': [115.48, 38.85],
'': [112.91, 27.87],
'': [119.64, 29.12],
'': [113.09, 29.37],
'': [113, 28.21],
'': [118.88, 28.97],
'': [116.7, 39.53],
'': [115.480656, 35.23375],
'': [117.27, 31.86],
'': [114.31, 30.52],
'': [125.03, 46.58],
'': [117.17, 31.52],
'': [116.24, 39.55],
'': [106.54, 29.59],
'': [119.18, 26.05],
'': [103.51, 36.04],
'广': [113.14, 23.08],
'广西': [108.19, 22.48],
'': [106.42, 26.35],
'': [110.20, 20.02],
'': [114.30, 38.02],
'': [113.40, 34.46],
'': [128.36, 45.44],
'': [112.27, 30.15],
'': [112.59, 28.12],
'': [125.19, 43.54],
'': [118.46, 32.03],
'西': [115.55, 28.40],
'': [123.25, 41.48],
'': [108.41, 40.48],
'': [108.41, 40.48],
'': [106.16, 38.27],
'': [101.48, 36.38],
'': [118.00, 36.40],
'西': [112.33, 37.54],
'西': [108.57, 34.17],
'': [121.29, 31.14],
'': [108.77, 19.10],
'': [104.04, 30.40],
'': [117.12, 39.02],
'西': [91.08, 29.39],
'': [87.36, 43.45],
'': [102.42, 25.04],
'': [120.10, 30.16],
'': [115.07, 21.33],
'': [121.21, 23.53],
'': [114.1, 22.2]
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var data = [
name: '广',
value: 120057.34
name: '',
value: 15477.48
name: '',
value: 131686.1
name: '',
value: 6992.6
name: '',
value: 44045.49
name: '',
value: 40689.64
name: '',
value: 37659.78
name: '',
value: 45180.97
name: '',
value: 5204.26
name: '',
value: 21900.9
name: '',
value: 4918.26
name: '',
value: 5881.84
name: '',
value: 4178.01
name: '',
value: 2227.92
name: '',
value: 2180.98
name: '',
value: 9172.94
name: '',
value: 3368
name: '',
value: 306.98
name: '',
value: 810.66
name: '',
value: 542.2
name: '',
value: 256.38
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var cityName = [{
"ProID": 1,
"name": "北京",
"ProSort": 1,
"firstP": "B",
"ProRemark": "直辖市"
}, {
"ProID": 2,
"name": "天津",
"ProSort": 2,
"firstP": "T",
"ProRemark": "直辖市"
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"ProID": 3,
"name": "河北",
"ProSort": 5,
"firstP": "H",
"ProRemark": "省份"
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"ProID": 4,
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"ProSort": 6,
"firstP": "S",
"ProRemark": "省份"
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"ProID": 5,
"name": "内蒙古",
"ProSort": 32,
"firstP": "N",
"ProRemark": "自治区"
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"ProID": 6,
"name": "辽宁",
"ProSort": 8,
"firstP": "L",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 7,
"name": "吉林",
"ProSort": 9,
"firstP": "J",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 8,
"name": "黑龙江",
"ProSort": 10,
"firstP": "H",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 9,
"name": "上海",
"ProSort": 3,
"firstP": "S",
"ProRemark": "直辖市"
}, {
"ProID": 10,
"name": "江苏",
"ProSort": 11,
"firstP": "J",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 11,
"name": "浙江",
"ProSort": 12,
"firstP": "Z",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 12,
"name": "安徽",
"ProSort": 13,
"firstP": "A",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 13,
"name": "福建",
"ProSort": 14,
"firstP": "F",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 14,
"name": "江西",
"ProSort": 15,
"firstP": "J",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 15,
"name": "山东",
"ProSort": 16,
"firstP": "S",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 16,
"name": "河南",
"ProSort": 17,
"firstP": "H",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 17,
"name": "湖北",
"ProSort": 18,
"firstP": "H",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 18,
"name": "湖南",
"ProSort": 19,
"firstP": "H",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 19,
"name": "广东",
"ProSort": 20,
"firstP": "G",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 20,
"name": "海南",
"ProSort": 24,
"firstP": "H",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 21,
"name": "广西",
"ProSort": 28,
"firstP": "G",
"ProRemark": "自治区"
}, {
"ProID": 22,
"name": "甘肃",
"ProSort": 21,
"firstP": "G",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 23,
"name": "陕西省",
"ProSort": 27,
"firstP": "S",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 24,
"name": "新疆维吾尔",
"ProSort": 31,
"firstP": "X",
"ProRemark": "自治区"
}, {
"ProID": 25,
"name": "青海",
"ProSort": 26,
"firstP": "Q",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 26,
"name": "宁夏",
"ProSort": 30,
"firstP": "N",
"ProRemark": "自治区"
}, {
"ProID": 27,
"name": "重庆",
"ProSort": 4,
"firstP": "C",
"ProRemark": "直辖市"
}, {
"ProID": 28,
"name": "四川省",
"ProSort": 22,
"firstP": "S",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 29,
"name": "贵州省",
"ProSort": 23,
"firstP": "G",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 30,
"name": "云南省",
"ProSort": 25,
"firstP": "Y",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 31,
"name": "西藏",
"ProSort": 29,
"firstP": "X",
"ProRemark": "自治区"
}, {
"ProID": 32,
"name": "台湾",
"ProSort": 7,
"firstP": "T",
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 33,
"name": "澳门",
"ProSort": 33,
"firstP": "A",
"ProRemark": "特别行政区"
}, {
"ProID": 34,
"name": "香港",
"ProSort": 34,
"firstP": "X",
"ProRemark": "特别行政区"
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var data_; //模拟数据
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data_ = [{
name: "入库件",
value: 584
name: "滞留件",
value: 152
}, {
name: "丢失件",
value: 100
name: "正常件",
value: 689
name: "派送件",
value: 200
}, {
name: "自提件",
value: 121
}, {
name: "退签件",
value: 92
} else if (type == 2) {
data_ = [{
name: "入库件",
value: 568
}, {
name: "丢失件",
value: 287
}, {
name: "滞留件",
value: 120
name: "撤销件",
value: 152
name: "出库件",
value: 125
}, {
name: "正常件",
value: 122
var series_data; //绘制图表的数据
var yMax = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < data_.length; j++) {
if (yMax < data_[j].value) {
yMax = data_[j].value;
var dataShadow = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
dataShadow.push(yMax * 2);
if (type == 1) {
data = ['', '', '', '退', ''];
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$(' .dph-data2').html(data_[1].value + data_[3].value);
$(' .dph-data3').html(data_[3].value);
$(' .dph-data4').html(data_[2].value);
$(' .dph-data5').html(data_[1].value);
$(' .dph-data6').html(data_[4].value + data_[5].value);
$(' .dph-data7').html(data_[4].value);
$(' .dph-data8').html(data_[5].value);
$(' .dph-data9').html(data_[6].value);
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$('.table1 .dph-data1').html(data_[0].value);
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$('.table1 .dph-data9').html(data_[6].value);
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$('.table2 .dph-data1').html(data_[0].value);
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$('.table2 .dph-data8').html(data_[5].value);
$('.table2 .dph-data9').html(data_[6].value);
series_data = [
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type: 'bar',
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xAxisIndex: 2,
tooltip: {
show: false
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgba(14, 148, 235, 0.102)'
data: dataShadow,
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normal: {
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itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgba(239,176,19,.9)'
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opacity: 1
data: [0, data_[1], 0, 0, 0],
name: '',
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xAxisIndex: 1,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgba(239,176,19,0.4)'
emphasis: {
opacity: 1
data: [0, 0, 0, 0, data_[2]],
name: '',
type: 'bar',
stack: '',
xAxisIndex: 1,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgba(239,176,19,0.3)'
emphasis: {
opacity: 1
data: [0, data_[3], 0, 0, 0],
name: '',
type: 'bar',
stack: '',
xAxisIndex: 1,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgba(196,64,239,0.8)'
emphasis: {
opacity: 1
data: [0, 0, data_[4], 0, 0],
name: '',
type: 'bar',
stack: '',
xAxisIndex: 1,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgba(196,64,239,0.4)'
emphasis: {
opacity: 1
data: [0, 0, data_[5], 0, 0],
name: '退',
type: 'bar',
xAxisIndex: 1,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgba(219,44,44,0.8)'
emphasis: {
opacity: 1
data: [0, 0, 0, data_[6], 0],
} else if (type == 2) {
data = ['', '', '', '', ''];
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$('.mail-data2').html(data_[2].value + data_[5].value);
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$('.table1 .mail-data1').html(data_[0].value);
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$('.table1 .mail-data3').html(data_[1].value);
$('.table1 .mail-data4').html(data_[2].value);
$('.table1 .mail-data5').html(data_[3].value);
$('.table1 .mail-data6').html(data_[4].value);
$('.table1 .mail-data7').html(data_[5].value);
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$('.table2 .mail-data1').html(data_[0].value);
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$('.table2 .mail-data5').html(data_[3].value);
$('.table2 .mail-data6').html(data_[4].value);
$('.table2 .mail-data7').html(data_[5].value);
series_data = [
{ // For shadow
type: 'bar',
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xAxisIndex: 2,
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show: false
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgba(14, 148, 235, 0.102)'
data: dataShadow,
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barWidth: '40%',
type: 'bar',
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itemStyle: {
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color: '#0e94eb'
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opacity: 1
data: [data_[0], 0, 0, 0, 0],
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itemStyle: {
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color: 'rgba(239,176,19,.9)'
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opacity: 1
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xAxisIndex: 1,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgba(239,176,19,.9)'
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opacity: 1
data: [0, 0, 0, data_[1], 0],
name: '',
type: 'bar',
xAxisIndex: 1,
stack: '',
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgba(239,176,19,0.4)'
emphasis: {
opacity: 1
data: [0, data_[2], 0, 0, 0],
name: '',
type: 'bar',
xAxisIndex: 1,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgba(239,176,19,0.3)'
emphasis: {
opacity: 1
data: [0, 0, 0, 0, data_[3]],
name: '',
type: 'bar',
xAxisIndex: 1,
stack: '退',
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgba(196,64,239,0.8)'
emphasis: {
opacity: 1
data: [0, 0, data_[4], 0, 0],
var option = {
title: '',
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xAxis: [{
type: 'category',
show: false,
data: data,
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color: '#fff'
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// offset: 40,
axisTick: {
show: false
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show: false
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color: '#fff'
show: false,
data: dataShadow,
axisLabel: {
inside: true,
textStyle: {
color: '#fff'
axisTick: {
show: false
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show: false
z: 10
yAxis: [{
show: true,
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show: false,
lineStyle: {
color: "#0e94eb"
axisTick: {
show: false
axisLine: {
show: false
axisLabel: {
show: true,
color: '#0e94eb'
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show: false,
type: "value",
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color: '#0e94eb'
axisLabel: {
color: '#0e94eb'
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show: false
axisLine: {
show: false
axisTick: {
show: false
axisLine: {
show: false
axisTick: {
show: false
axisLabel: {
textStyle: {
color: '#999'
// color: ['#e54035'],
series: series_data
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chart3(1, '')
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choose: function (datas) {
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choose: function (datas) {
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var startVs = '';
var endVs = '';'danlan');
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var chart4Data = [{
'name': "天津市",
'value': 178546
}, {
'name': "湖南省",
'value': 125687
}, {
'name': "福建省",
'value': 78452
}, {
'name': "北京市",
'value': 57841
}, {
'name': "江苏省",
'value': 45879
}, {
'name': "海南",
'value': 28584
}, {
'name': "四川省",
'value': 14852
}, {
'name': "浙江省",
'value': 12589
}, {
'name': "重庆市",
'value': 5261
}, {
'name': "香港特别行政区",
'value': 2563
}, {
'name': "内蒙古",
'value': 856
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var str = '<li><span></span><p></p><p></p></li>';
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
str += '<li><span>' + (i + 1) + '</span><p>' + data[i].name + '</p><p>' + data[i].value + '</p></li>';
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function formtGCData(geoData, data, srcNam, dest) {
var tGeoDt = [];
if (dest) {
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
if (srcNam != data[i].name) {
coords: [geoData[srcNam], geoData[data[i].name]],
} else {
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
if (srcNam != data[i].name) {
coords: [geoData[data[i].name], geoData[srcNam]],
return tGeoDt;
function formtVData(geoData, data, srcNam) {
var tGeoDt = [];
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
var tNam = data[i].name
if (srcNam != tNam) {
name: tNam,
symbolSize: 2,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: '#ffeb40',
value: geoData[tNam]
name: srcNam,
value: geoData[srcNam],
symbolSize: 5,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: '#2ef358',
return tGeoDt;
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normal: {
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data: formtGCData(geoCoordMap, data, '', true)
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period: 1.5,
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color: '#ffeb40',
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symbolSize: 6,
trailLength: 0.5
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normal: {
color: '#ffeb40',
width: 1,
opacity: 0.4,
curveness: 0.2
data: formtGCData(geoCoordMap, data, '', false)
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symbolSize: 4,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: '#fff'
data: formtVData(geoCoordMap, data, '')
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